Our inmates are on a 20 weeks challenge to exceed 20,000km!
Total Distance clocked by inmates

Thank you for participating in the Yellow Ribbon Prison Run 2024 and making this year’s event a resounding success!

We are pleased to inform you that the official e-certificates and race timings for 10km competitive category are now available for viewing.

results / e-cert

We look forward to your continued support to build A Nation Beyond Second Chances!

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Supporting Our Event

Platinum Sponsors
Official Container Specialist
Official Sports Wear
Official Graphene Bike and Safety Workwear Partner
Official Wellness Sponsor
Official Logistics Partner
Official Peri-Peri Chicken Sponsor
Official Running Magazine
Official Timekeeper
Official Race Pack Venue
Official Fitness Partner
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Diamond Donors
Platinum Donors
Gold Donors
Silver Donors
Community Partners